December 28, 2009

Orabrush - Is this thing legit?

As a Youtube regular I've recently started seeing a lot of funny commercials for Orabrush and have been tempted by their free product offer.

Now -- I like to be on the cutting edge and buy things before other people do, but at the same time I hate being duped and after recently getting the  P90X Chin-Up Bar. I've made it a personal resolve to avoid buying  "as seen on TV" things.

Just thought I'd put it out to the people of the web.  Does anybody have any experience with the Orabrush?  Is it any good or just a hoax?

Well - I couldn't wait to get comments from all the viewers out there, so I have ordered one.  I'll be sure to update you shortly with a review.

Post script :  Please see my update to this which I have posted here.


jazzlamb said...

ha ha, you've ordered one.

it makes you tongue black!

Fern said...

So, did it work?? Im about to order mine!! Let me know.

Unknown said...

I just got it the other day. I'll give it a little time before I review. So far it looks good.

Unknown said...

I'm still not decided. The first time I used it I really was excited and felt a buzzing numbness on my tongue. Since then I haven't really felt it. It's probably worth a try but that being said it doesn't feel revolutionary. I think my rule about buying things, "as seen on TV" still has a lot of merit. What do the rest of you think?

Unknown said...

I think at the end of the day that I prefer a good old-fashioned tongue scraper. They are easier to find, last longer and can even be less expensive (mine cost $2 at an Indian import store.) Certainly if you find a good one that is closer to $10 it would be okay too.