June 22, 2011

First impressions of Swype 3.0 Beta

I had been using Swype for a while and switched back to Swiftkey - my other favourite Android keyboard.  After news of the new release I have switched back to Swype to give it a try.  They have added a predictive tap technology that sounded to me to be similar to Swiftkey.  One day into using the new version of Swype it would seem that predictive tapping only starts to work after you have begun to Swype or "tap" a word.  In my earlier blog post I noted the astonishing "psychic" ability of Swiftkey to predict my next word in it's three choices.  I will give Swype a chance for a week or more to see if this starts to happen, but as it stands I think I will be going back to Swiftkey after I have completed this trial.  They are both excellent keyboards and this new version is a big improvement over the last as far as "Swyping".  I used to find it rather cumbersome having to correct for mistakes and now with the choice of words that goes a  long way in correcting for this.  I was also impressed when the program offered to remove a word from my custom dictionary that had long been a nuisance in my past usage of Swype.  I will give it some time... That being said, I understand that there is a new version of Swiftkey that is currently being beta tested.  I haven't checked this out, I am going to wait until this comes out for general release before trying.  Both keyboards are awesome and another key to Android users ability to customize their smartphone experience.

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